Ayat al kursi arabic english
Ayat al kursi arabic english

ayat al kursi arabic english

  • Sayyidul Isteghfar – The Master of Supplications for Forgiveness.
  • ayat al kursi arabic english

    Du’a Hifzh of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani.D u’a at-tawassul supplication of the blind man by means of the Prophet.Recitation for Elimination of Problems, as prescribed by Mawlana Shaykh (Q).Eating Du’a– Supplication for (before and after) eating food.Sayyid ad Du’a/Ummu Du’a (Mother of Supplications) of Grandshaykh ‘Abdullah alFa’iz adDaghestani (q) for Black Magic and Protection.Du’a ayat al kursi – for Elimination of Problems – For Black Magic and Protection from difficulties as prescribed by Mawlana Shaykh (Q).Khatm Khawjagan– The Naqshbandi Dhikr (Divine Remembrance/Chanting).

    ayat al kursi arabic english

    Du’a al Mathur – Du’a of Grandshaykh `Abdullah al Faiz ad Daghestani (q) for Black Magic and Protection.Bayah- Pledge of Allegiance to Allah & Prophet Muhammad (s) – Bayah to Allah (AJ), Sayyidina Muhammad (s) & to Tariqatun Naqshbandiya.The Daily Awrad : The Daily Spiritual Practices of people of Determination, to be recited first thing in the morning.Niyat el Khalwah – Intention for Seclusion – To be recited before any good deeds, salah, tafakkur, fasting, du’a etc.Practices of the 12 Months of Hijri Calendar – All du’as, adab and practices that you need to do in each month of Hijri calendar from Muharram to Dhul Hijjahġ2 Monthly Veils– Summary of the reality of Shamsul Arifeen and the 12 Veils of the 12 months khutbatul Jumah – transliteration of Khutbah of Jum’ah – The supplication for Friday prayer.Ila Sharafin Nabi, Ihda –Supplication to offer the rewards of good actions as a gift to Prophet (saw) and pious people.Ihda (Dedication) – To be recited at the end of an act of worship, in order to offer the rewards of that action as a gift to Prophet (saw) and awliya ullah (saints).Du’a Qunoot fil Madhhabil Shafi’ye– Supplication of Qunoot in the Shafi’yee Doctrine, one of the 4 Schools of thought.Fajr Prayer’s Adab – Practices – Spiritual practices, Awrad, Wazaif, adab, for Fajr (morning) prayer.Adab us Salah – Daily Prayers’ Practices – Spiritual practices, Awrad, Wazaif, to be recited after each daily prayer (Salah/Salat/Namaz).Azaan, Du’a e Azaan & Iqamatus Salat – Call to five daily Salat (Prayers) & its supplication.

    Ayat al kursi arabic english